Sunday, 4 July 2010

Campaign - Suggest a recipient

Please suggest someone influencial who needs to know about the topics raised in these books.

Add their name and postal address and the book title(s) most appropriate to them in the comment section below.  Please also make a donation to cover the book costs.  Many thanks.

Don't worry if you are struggling for funds and cannot make a donation at this time.  Suggest a recipient anyway.  It is hoped that others will be generous in their donations, and any surplus will go towards sending books out!

If you would prefer to purchase the books from Lulu and send them directly yourself, that would be much appreciated, and would save my time and effort, which would be better used for writing more books!  If you do send books yourself, also post a comment on the 'Campaign - Books already sent' page to say who they have been sent to, to avoid duplication.

Many thanks.

Campaign - Books already sent to the following people.

The following have already been sent book(s).

If you have already sent books to prominent person(s), then please add their name in a comment below, to avoid duplication.  Thanks.

HRH The Prince of Wales
Archbishop of Canterbury

House of Lords Library
Lord Pearson of Rannoch

House of Commons Library
Diane Abbott MP
Crispin Blunt MP
PM David Cameron MP
Dominic Grieve MP
William Hague MP
Philip Hollobone MP
Caroline Lucas MP
Theresa May MP

Amnesty International UK
British Humanist Association
British Institute of Human Rights
Christian Vegetarian Association UK
Church Times
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain
The Centre For Social Cohesion
National Secular Society
One Law for All
The TaxPayers' Alliance
The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
Leeds Humanities Research Institute

Plus several individuals who have related concerns.

If you would like to suggest a recipient, please put their name and address in a comment on the Campaign Suggest a Recipient page.

If you have already sent someone a book or booklet please put their name in a comment below and the name of the booklet, to avoid duplication.

Note that when ordering books from Lulu, the delivery address can be different from the billing address, so you would only pay one set of P&P.


Islam and Parallel Universes

This book looks at Islamic beliefs, and compares them to its predecessors, namely Christianity and Judaism.

Within the Koran, there are numerous threats to anyone who steps out of line that they will burn in Hellfire.

However, and this may be news to some, the concept of Hell as a place of eternal torment does not form any part of Judaic teachings.  It is a relatively more recent concept within Christianity too.  It has its origins within Pagan beliefs, and did not form part of the original teachings of the Prophet Jesus.

Muslims should stop worrying about Hell.  It has all been a terrible misunderstanding!

The concept of Heaven is also flawed.  No human goes to Heaven!  It is clearly stated by Jesus that the meek shall inherit the Earth, NOT go to Heaven or Paradise!  Muslims should abandon hope of going to Paradise, as it is not destined for Humans to be there.

Science has advanced far beyond that which was available at the time of the Old Testament authors and later Prophets.  Not everything that is written in such texts is correct according to our modern knowledge!  The errors in the texts are clearly visible, demonstrating that the authors were fallible humans, not divine.  We should at least be willing to be honest, if humanity is to advance, and for there to be hope for genuine peace in the world.

How do we reconcile the concept of prophecy with free will?  Is it possible that the existance of parallel universes could hold some answers, and thereby form a bridge between science and religion?

Available via

Islam the Future for Britain

Islam is a religion.  It is also, inseparably a legal system and a political system.  There is no equivalent concept as Christianity has, with the principle of the separation of Church and State.

Islam is gaining momentum in Britain, both in terms of population expansion, and in terms of increased political influence.

Islam does not seek toleration.  It seeks domination.

The current demographic trends, unless a very significant reversal ocurrs, means that there will be a Muslim majority in Britain within a relatively short timespan.  A spreadsheet calculation indicates that the crossover point will be some time around the year 2050, even if the levels of immigration of the years 2000-2010 are reduced significantly.

In preparation for the Islamisation of Britain, we must firstly gain a better and more accurate understanding of Islam.  It is important to be truthful, and unfortunately there is an ongoing propaganda effort, such that the painful truth about Islam is being disguised.  We need to discuss it honestly and accurately, and not to be taken in by Taqiyya.  If you do not know what the word 'Taqiyya' means, then look it up.

We must put in place a number of contingency actions, such that an Islamic Britain does not become a danger to our neighbours and current allies.  We must decomission all nuclear installations and send all radioactive materials to safer countries.  All nuclear warheads must of course be decomissioned too.   This is becoming serious.

Available via

Israel Justified Within the Koran

We must strive for a genuine and lasting peace in the Middle East, but it seems as far away as ever, despite numerous peace initiatives over the years.

We will never achieve peace with the current approach, for the simple reason that the problem is not primarily a land dispute.  It is an ideological dispute.

If we can find the root cause, then we can stand some chance of achieving peace.  I believe that this is possible, and this book describes how and why this is so.

Surprisingly, the answer lies in an unexpected place:  It is within the pages of the Koran!

A study of the Koran reveals that it justifies the existence of the State of Israel, as a safe homeland for the Jewish peoples.  Any Muslim who wishes to destroy Israel and to drive the Jews into the sea is sadly misguided.  They would be acting against the express wishes of Allah.

This book is available via

Chronological Koran

Download Now

The sura (chapters) of the Koran are arranged by convention in approximate size order, with the larger chapters first.  This is an unhelpful arrangement.

When studying the Koran it is vitally important to understand the principle of Abrogation, otherwise we are liable to completely misunderstand its teachings.

Abrogation means that the chronologically more recent verses abrogate, or cancel out the earlier verses, wherever contradictions occur.

The Koran made available here is arranged in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent sura are read first.

Available as a printed book, and as eBook here:

Available as a free PDF download here:


Paradox of Human Rights

We really do need our Human Rights.  They underpin the rights of the individual against the abuses of the state.

However, it is often the case that they are misused by individuals such that natural justice is subverted.  It is a paradox.

We must understand the nature of the paradox.  This booklet describes the problem, and also, importantly it proposes a solution.  We do need some clarity of thinking upon this matter, as the legal processes too often tie themselves in knots, due to a basic and fundamental misconception which is widespread, and needs to be challenged urgently.

Available via


The following books are published by Sola Virtus.

They are available for download, and in most cases also as printed books, via

You are encouraged to please add a link from your website or blog to this blog and also to the Lulu link.  It is vitally important that we in Britain wake up now, before it is too late.

Take a look at the Campaign page, and help if you are able to.  If you can make a donation that is great.  If you can suggest the name of an influencial person who needs to read about this topic, that is also great.  If you can make a donation and also suggest a name, that would be really helpful.

All donations are used to cover the printing and postage cost of books.

Projections of Population Growth for Britain

Download Now

The official projections from the Office of National Statistics for the population size in the years ahead appear to have a serious flaw.

Using spreadsheet calculations and taking into account the different birth rates, mortality rates and migration, a number of projections are calculted for various policy scenarios.

The following scenarios have been modelled:

Scenario 1: Initial assumption of reduced immigration
Scenario 2: Indigenous birth rate 0.8 per woman
Scenario 3: Balanced migration
Scenario 4: Zero immigration
Scenario 5: Zero immigration and zero emigration
Scenario 6: Zero immigration, birth rates NINM 1.5 indigenous 1.5
Scenario 7: Zero immigration, Encourage Muslim emigration
Scenario 8: Trends under Labour Government if continued indefinitely

At some point in the future we will have no choice but to live sustainably.  Renewable energy sources will be the only ones available.  These are a much more diffuse form of energy compared to the concentrated energy of fossil fuels and nuclear fission.  There is also a finite land area available for food production.  Arable crop productivity is likely to decline as fossil fuels become more expensive.

The sustainable population size for Britain is around 20 million.  A responsible Government would put in place measures to stop encouraging the growth of the population.  Can they not see the scope for problems?

Available from

Available as a free PDF download here:

Vegetarian Prophets


This booklet describes the scriptural evidence that indicates how Jesus had a compassion for animals.  Many of the early Christians were vegetarians, and it is highly likely that Jesus was also.  Verses in the Bible describing him eating fish are probably later additions to the text.

Reading the Koran and Hadith shows that Mohammed also was compassionate towards animals and abhorred cruelty towards them.  He preferred a vegetarian diet.

This booklet is available from:


Halal slaughter is an avoidably cruel method.

The throat is slit without any pre-stunning.

The animal can suffer for up to 2 minutes.

The Farm Animal Welfare Council report deplored this, before the pro-Islamic lobby caused it to be watered down.

Meat that is not marked 'Halal' may in fact have been slaughtered in this way, because some parts of the animal, the hind quarters, are not regarded as Halal.

A logo is required to ensure that those who do not wish to be part of this cruel trade can have some reassurance.  A capital letter H with a red circle and red diagonal line is proposed.

Around 10 million farm animals are slaughtered in this way annually in the UK.

William Wilberforce would have been apalled.

Sharia or Democracy

This booklet describes the relationship between Sharia Law and Democracy.  It is being sent to Members of Parliament in Britain, with the aim of preserving Democracy and Human Rights.  You can help, by making a donation.  Donations are used to cover printing and postage costs.

If you are not able to make a financial donation, then please help by donating some of your time.  You can contact blogs and websites, and ask them to put links to this blog.  A small amount of your time can help to preserve our freedoms.  See the HELP! page for details.  Thankyou so much.

The argument re Sharia or Democracy is quite straightforward. Why do some commentators shy away from it? Perhaps the truth is too painful. We can no longer afford to be afraid of the truth, however unpalatable it might be. There are many experts on Islam who have studied it for years who also see that Sharia and Democracy are incompatible.

1. Sharia law is an inseparable part of true Islam. The commands in the Koran and the examples of Mohammed's actions in the Hadith are used to formulate the laws of Sharia. You can no more remove Sharia from Islam as you can tear out pages from the Koran. You also have to understand 'abrogation'.

2. Sharia law is incompatible with democracy. The laws of Allah are regarded as superior to the laws of man. What purpose would a parliament have? Its role would not be to devise legal innovation in response to the wishes of the citizens of the country, but to refine the interpretation of Allah's will.

3. As Sharia law is an inseparable part of Islam, and Sharia law is incompatible with democracy, the implication therefore is that Islam is incompatible with democracy.

Available via